“The way”. Acrylic paint on geossoed wood panel. 18″ x 24″.
Perhaps because my painting style is intuitive, my artwork tends toward abstraction. There may be abstract figure-like shapes or the suggestion of a landscape. But around 2018, rocks, trees, water and sky began to show up repeatedly as subjects and my work took on a more naturalistic quality. Often it seems to me, in these landscapes the trees in particular symbolize man; whereas other objects symbolize the forces arrayed against man.
This piece includes 2 favorite themes of mine that have been with me since the beginning: struggle and ambiguous space. A struggle is implied by the relationship of the trees and the rocks. Without a conscious effort on my part, 2 of the trees appear to be on a march that is solidly opposed by the rocks. There is a spatial conflict also. The black clouds and the white clouds appear to be both distant and close. The rock at the top edge of the painting is in the background and yet it looms over the trees at the same time.